刘坚 讲师

作者: 时间:2024-03-20 点击数:






2013.9-2019.1 东北师范大学分析化学理学博士


2022.7-至今 沈阳航空航天大学能源与环境学院新能源科学与工程系




高温合金抗腐蚀机理研究 横向项目


1. Liu J, et al.  Highly exposed Pt nanoparticles supported on porous graphene for electrochemical detection of hydrogen peroxide in living cells [J].  Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 74(2015) 71-7.

2. Liu J, et al. One-step synthesis of porphyrinic iron-based metal-organic framework/ordered mesoporous carbon for electrochemical detection of hydrogen peroxide in living cells [J]. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 248(2017) 207-13.

3. Liu J, et al. Contrastive study on porphyrinic iron metal-organic

framework supported on various carbon matrices as efficient electrocatalysts [J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 513 (2018) 438–447.

4. Liu J, et al. A nanocomposite prepared from metal-free mesoporous carbon

nanospheres and graphene oxide for voltammetric determination of doxorubicin [J].  Microchim Acta 186, 639 (2019).


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