于航 讲师

作者: 时间:2024-03-20 点击数:






研究生招生专业:动力工程及工程热物理 资源与环境



2010.09-2017.09 大连理工大学 直接攻博 物理化学专业


    2017.12- 至今     沈阳航空航天大学能源与环境学院  环境工程专业  讲师





  1. 木质纤维素高值化利用

  2. 水体中有机污染物归趋


1. 金属阳离子调控高铁酸盐氧化降解磺胺类抗生素反应的机理研究.辽宁省教育厅基础研究项目.2020-2023,3万,结题,主持

2. 高铁酸盐降解环境污染物选择性机制的理论研究.校博启动项目.2018-2021,3万,结题,主持

3. 环渤海典型大城市多源固废基础特性及典型污染物特征图谱解析.国家重点研发计划子项.2020-2024,115万,在研,参与


1. Yu H; Wang Shuyue; Sun Yang; Zhang Wanli; Li Rundong; Kang Xiaohui ; Pyrolysis mechanism law of β-O-4 lignin dimer model compounds: A density functional theory study, Industrial Crops & Products 2022, 180: 114746

2. Yu H, Zhang Q, Xu J, Wang X, Luo L. Assessment of density functional theory in studying on the transition states of a Diiron-mediated N N bond cleavage reaction. COMPUT THEOR CHEM 2021, 1204: 113418.

3. Yu H, Tian Y, Wang S, Ke X, Li R, Kang X. Ferrate(VI) Oxidation Mechanism of Substituted Anilines: A Density Functional Theory Investigation. ACS Omega 2021, 6(22): 14317-14326.

4. Yu H, Chen J, Xie H, Ge P, Kong Q, Luo Y. Ferrate(vi) initiated oxidative degradation mechanisms clarified by DFT calculations: a case for sulfamethoxazole. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 2017, 19(3): 370-378.

5. Yu H, Ge P, Chen J, Xie H, Luo Y. The degradation mechanism of sulfamethoxazole under ozonation: a DFT study. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 2017, 19(3): 379-387.

6. Lu H, Kang X, Yu H, et al. Using a single complex to predict the reaction energy profile: a case study of Pd/Ni-catalyzed ethylene polymerization[J]. Dalton transactionsy 2023, 52:1479.

7.Ge P, Yu H, Chen J, Qu J, Luo Y. Photolysis mechanism of sulfonamide moiety in five-membered sulfonamides: A DFT study. CHEMOSPHERE 2018, 197: 569-575.

8.Yu Y, Yu H, Kang X, Wang X, Yang J, Qu J, Luo Y. H–H and N–H Bond Cleavages of Dihydrogen and Ammonia by a Bifunctional Imido (NH)-Bridged Diiridium Complex: A DFT Study. ORGANOMETALLICS 2017, 36(24): 4721-4726.

9.Jiao X, Yu H, Kong Q, Luo Y, Chen Q, Qu J. Theoretical mechanistic studies on the degradation of alizarin yellow R initiated by hydroxyl radical. J PHYS ORG CHEM 2014, 27: 519-526.

10.Miao Q, Gao J, Wang Z, Yu H, Luo Y, Ma T. Syntheses and characterization of several nickel bis(dithiolene) complexes with strong and broad Near-IR absorption. INORG CHIM ACTA 2011, 376(1): 619-627.

11.Luo Y, Li Y, Yu H, Zhao J, Chen Y, Hou Z, Qu J. DFT Studies on the Reduction of Dinitrogen to Ammonia by a Thiolate-Bridged Diiron Complex as a Nitrogenase Mimic. ORGANOMETALLICS 2011, 31(1): 335-344







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